Information for Developers


Tap fees

$2,000 per EDU
Special Districts
Bigler Drive Area - $2,400 per EDU
Millerstown Culmerville Rd Area - $2,120 per EDU

By Resolutions 2006-02 and 2011-02, tapping fees are issued on a first come, first served basis.  No capacity shall be guaranteed for a property owner or owners until such time as the tapping fees have, at the option of this Authority, been paid.  The number of EDUs required for a business or multi-unit residential buildings will be calculated based on anticipated water usage as determined by the Authority's consulting engineer.

Properties whose wastewater will be processed by Allegheny Valley Joint Sewage Authority (AVJSA) must also pay a Capacity Replacement Fee in the amount of $2,000 per EDU. 

To determine if sewer service is available or extendable to a property, please contact the Authority office.  The Authority's engineer must review and approve any potential plan or sewer line extension.