Board Members & Professional Staff

The Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority (DCDBA) is operated under the supervision of nine board members comprised of residents appointed by the Townships of West Deer and Indiana, the Authority Manager, Engineer, Solicitor, Accountant and an Independent Auditor.

Board Members

West Deer Township

Susan Pastura, Vice-Chairman
Ronald Plesh, Secretary/Treasurer
Donald Simonetti
Geno Stello

Indiana Township

Cullen Higgins, Chairman
Mark Drischler, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Kelly DeLuca
Paula Krally

Authority Manager

Lynn Biery


Matt Sprung
Gibson-Thomas Thomas Engineering Co., Inc.


Ronald Brown
Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, LLC


Peter Vancheri
Hosack, Specht, Muetzel & Wood

Independent Auditor

R.D. Hoag & Associates, LLC