The Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on the 26th day of June 1979, duly adopted the following Rules and Regulations (and subsequent amendments via Resolution) governing the furnishing of sewage service. These Rules and Regulations are intended to insure adequate service to the public by regulating the use of public sewers, the installation and connection of building sewers, the discharge of water and wastes into the public sewer system and providing penalties for violation thereof.


 Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in these Rules and Regulations shall be as follows:

Authority – Wherever in these Rules and Regulations the word “Authority” appears such word shall be taken to mean the Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, or its authorized deputy, agent, or representative.

BOD5 - The term BOD5 denoting the biochemical oxygen demand, as used herein, shall mean the relative quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at 200 C., expressed in milligrams per liter.

Building Drain – The term Building Drain shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys the wastewater to the building sewers, beginning five (5) feet outside the inner face of the building wall.

Building Sewer – Building Sewer, lateral and/or house connection shall mean the extension from the building drain to the public sanitary sewer.

Commercial Service – Commercial Service, as used herein, shall mean provision of sewage service for property where the owner and/or tenant is engaged in trade and/or commerce.

Common Sewer Lateral – A private sewer lateral that collects the sewage discharge of more than one building drain / sewer and conveys it to a public sewer.

Consumer – Consumer shall mean each consumer as defined by the regulations of the Water Utility serving such consumer at that time.

Developers – Developers, as used herein, shall mean any landowner, agent of such landowner, or tenant with the permission of such landowner, who makes or causes to be made a subdivision of land or a land development.

Drainage Basin – The Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority as it exists in Harmar, Indiana and West Deer Townships including parts of Middlesex, Richland, Hampton and Frazer Townships.

Dwelling Unit – Dwelling Unit shall mean any room, group of rooms, enclosure, etc., occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters by a family or other group of persons living together or by persons living alone. Each dwelling unit in a double house, in a row of connection houses, or in an apartment shall be a separate entity for sewer service charge purposes.

Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) - A unit of measure for determining sewer tapping fees, which unit equals up to 208 gpd and is based on an average dwelling unit occupancy of 2.31 persons times a per capita sewage discharge of 90 gpd.

Garbage – Garbage, as used herein, shall mean the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food. Properly shredded garbage are those wastes that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particles greater than one-half (1/2) inch in any dimension.

H.P. – H.P. shall mean horsepower.

Industrial Service – Industrial Service, as used herein, shall mean provisions of sewage service for property where the owner and/or tenant is engaged in manufacturing or process industry.

Industrial Waste – Industrial Wastes, as used herein, shall mean the wastewater from industrial processes, trade or business as distinct from sanitary sewage.

Occupied Building – Occupied Building shall mean any structure erected and intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupance or use by human beings or animals, and from which structure sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, or either thereof, is or may be discharged.

Owner – The word Owner, as used herein, shall mean the person, firm or corporation or association having an interest as owner, or as a person, firm or corporation representing itself to be the owner, whether legal or equitable, sole or duly partial, in any property which is, or about to be furnished sewage service by the Authority, and the word “Owners” means all so interested.

Person – The term person includes natural persons, partnerships, associations, private and public corporations, clubs, societies, institutions and governments and governmental agencies and subdivisions thereof.

pH – The term pH, as used herein, shall mean the logarithms of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion activity in moles per liter of solution at a given temperature.

Premises Accessible to the Sewer System – Premises Accessible to the Sewer System shall mean any property accessible to and whose principal building is within one hundred fifty feet of the Sewer System.

Property – The word Property as used herein, shall be the area including the improvements thereon, to which sewage service is or will be furnished, and as used herein shall be taken to designate:

a. A building under one roof occupied as one residence or one place of business, or
b. A group of buildings owned by one owner in a common enclosure, occupied by one family, or one organization, corporation or firm as a place of residence, or place of business, or for manufacturing or industrial purposes, or
c. The one side of a double house having a solid vertical partition wall, or
d. A public building devoted entirely to public use, or
e. A single lot, or park or playground, or
f. Each house in a row of houses.
g. A retail, commercial, professional or other business establishment operating in a separate shop, store, restaurant or office or connected group of offices and constituting one place of business.

Public Sanitary Sewers – Public Sanitary Sewers, as used herein, shall mean a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights, is controlled by a public authority, carries sewage and to which storm, surface and ground-waters are not intentionally admitted. Maintenance and repairs of all assets (manholes, lampholes, sewer-main lines, pump stations, etc.) associated with public sanitary sewers that lie within Authority rights of way and / or sanitary sewer utility easements shall be the responsibility of the Authority, including extensions to individual property lines that are also within said rights of way. Any building sewers / laterals, line extensions or common sewer laterals that do not exist within the Authority’s right of way or the sanitary sewer utility easement shall be sole the responsibility of the property owner.

Residential Services – Residential Service, as used herein, shall mean provision of sewer service for a residence.

Sewer – Sewer shall mean a sewer which carries sewage or industrial wastes or a combination of both and to which storm water runoff, surface and ground-waters are not intentionally admitted.

Sewer Line Extensions – Sewer Line Extensions, as used herein, shall mean extensions of sewer lines beyond existing facilities exclusive of service connections.

Sewer System – Sewer System shall mean all sewers for the disposal of sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes now or hereafter constructed or otherwise acquired by the Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority.

Sewage Treatment Works – Sewage Treatment Works shall mean an assemblage of devices, structures and equipment for treating and disposing of treated sewage and industrial wastes, including the sewage treatment plant of the Allegheny Valley Joint Sewage Authority.

Slug – Slug, as used herein, shall mean any discharge of water as wastewater which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen (15) minutes more than five (5) times the average twenty-four (24) concentration or flows during normal operation and shall adversely affect the collection system and/or performance of the wastewater treatment facility.

Suspended Solids – Suspended Solids, as used herein, shall mean solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage, or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering.

Tenant – The word Tenant, as used herein, shall be anyone occupying property under lease from a lessor, which property is furnished sewage service.

Volume of Water Used – Volume of Water Used shall include, for sewer service charge and surcharge purposes, metered water purchased from the Water Utility and in addition thereto all water obtained from wells, springs, streams, etc., as determined by (a) water meters installed and maintained by the Water Utility, (b) water meters installed and maintained by the property owner or water user, or (c) estimates or measurements made by the Water Utility or the Authority, as the case may be.

Wastewater – Sewage and/or wastewater shall mean a combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments.

Wastewater Facilities – Wastewater Facilities, as used herein, shall mean the processes, equipment and structures used for treating sewage.

Water Utility – Water Utility shall mean Oakmont Water Authority, Hampton Water Authority, Fawn-Frazer Water Authority or any other utility public or quasi-public corporation or utility supplying water within the territorial limits of the Deer Creek Drainage Basin watershed of the Authority, and its successors and assigns.


Section 1: General – The owner of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the Drainage Basin and abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary sewer of the Authority, is hereby required at the owner(s) expense to connect such houses, buildings or other structures located on said property with the aforementioned public sanitary sewer for the purpose of disposing of all sanitary sewage. The connection with the public sanitary sewer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations, within sixty (60) days after date of official notice to do so.

Section 2: Disposal of Sanitary Sewage – Any lessee or tenant of any property in the Drainage Basin abutting upon any public sanitary sewer shall not be permitted to employ any means, either by septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, mine hole or otherwise, for the disposal of sanitary sewage other than into and through said public sanitary sewers, when said public sanitary sewers are available for service.

Section 3: Connection Requirements – Where any house, building or structure in the Drainage Basin is now or hereafter may be using any method for the disposal of sanitary sewage other than through said public sanitary sewers, it shall be the duty of the Authority to notify the lessee or tenant of such structure in writing, either by personal service, certified mail or registered mail, to disconnect same and make proper connection for the discharge and disposal of the sewage through the public sanitary sewer.

Section 4 – Means of Disposal – It shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of wastewater.

Section 5 – Construction of Building Sewers – The construction of all building sewer lines or house service sewers shall be done, after notice to the Consulting Engineers for the Authority, in accordance with the specifications, plans and procedures established by the Authority as the same may be from time to time published and amended, copies of which shall be placed on file with the Authority.

Section 6: Failure to Comply – If the owner or owners of any occupied houses, buildings or structures in the Drainage Basin shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations or written notice as prescribed in Section 1 hereof, the Authority may perform or cause to be performed such work and labor, and furnish such material as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations at the cost and expense of such owner or owners, and all charges and expenses incidental thereto, which sum shall be collected from said owner or owners for the use of the Authority as debts are by law collectible, or the Authority may, but its proper officers, file a municipal claim or lien therefore against said premises as provided by law.

Section 7: Permit Required – No person or persons shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sanitary sewer or appurtenances thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Authority. Effective with Resolution 96-5 a $500. charge will be imposed upon the Developer or individual owner or owner’s Agent for failure to notify the Authority and thereby provide for an Authority inspector to be present.

Section 8: Meter Required –Effective with Resolution 07-11 adopted December 17, 2007, it shall be the policy of DCDBA to require in the course of new construction of new properties, including separate business establishments, an individual water meter for each property as such term is defined in Article II: Definitions.

Section 9: Nontransferable Fees –No sewer tapping fee paid for a use on any property shall be transferable to any other property.


Section 1: General – The Authority will furnish sanitary sewage service only subject to the approved design and construction of building sewers, connections, and sewage collection systems in accordance with the minimum standards set forth herein, and to compliance by the applicant with all Rules and Regulations relative thereto.

If field inspections of the construction of the building sewer and/or connections indicate such facilities do not comply with the requirements set forth herein, service will not be furnished until the facilities are remedied to comply with these requirements.

Section 2: Connection Application – There shall be two (2) classes of building sewer connection applications: (a) for residential and commercial service and (b) for service to establishments producing industrial wastes. In either case, the owner(s) or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the Authority. The connection application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Authority. A permit fee shall be paid, in accordance with the current published fee schedule, to the Authority at the time the application is filed.

Section 3: Owner’s Costs – All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the Authority from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be caused by the installation of the building sewer.

Section 4: Use of Building Sewer – A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building. Construction of a Common Sewer Lateral (CSL) is prohibited. All maintenance, repairs, or damage resulting from existing CSL are the sole responsibility of the property owner.

Section 5: Connection to Existing Building Sewer – Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the Authority, to meet all requirements of this ordinance.

Section 6: Sewer Elevations – Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer.

Section 7: Unauthorized Discharge – No person(s) shall make connection of roof downspouts, foundation drains, driveway drains, or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.

Section 8: Clean-Out Requirements – The building sewer must be provided with provisions for cleaning from the building drain to the building sewer connection with the public sanitary sewer. The clean-out shall be extended vertically to ground elevation and provided a cover which must be properly fitted and made gas and watertight. The clean-out must be the same size as the building sewer.

Section 9: Building Sewer Construction – The size and slope of the building sewer shall be subject to approval of the Authority but in no event shall the diameter be less than four (4) inches. The slope of such four (4) inch pipe shall be not less than one-quarter inch (1/4”) per foot. The building sewer shall be laid at a uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible. Change in direction piping shall be made by the appropriate use of 45 degree wyes, long or short sweep bends, sixth, eight, or sixteenth bends, or by a combination of these equivalent fittings.

If the owner so elects, a six (6) inch pipe may be used in lieu of a four (4) inch pipe. The slope of a six (6) inch pipe shall be not less than one-eighth inch (1/8”) per foot.

All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with ASTM Specification C12, except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the Authority.

Acceptable building sewer pipe grade(s) are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe: ABS, ASTM 3034 or SDR-35 with o-ring rubber gasket joints.

Any part of the building sewer that is located within ten feet (10’) of a public water service pipe shall be constructed of mechanical joint cast iron pipe or ductile iron push-on joint. Similar pipe materials may be required where the building sewer is exposed to damage by tree roots. If the building sewer is installed in filled or unstable ground, the building sewer shall be of cast iron soil or ductile iron pipe, except that nonmetallic material may be accepted if laid on a suitable concrete bed or cradle, as approved.

All joints and connections shall be made gas-tight and water-tight.

The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at a “Y” branch, if such branch is available at a suitable location. If no properly located “Y” branch is available, a “Y” shall be installed in the public sewer at the required location. In either of the above, the Authority shall provide the proper connection to the public sewer, and a six (6) inch sewer from the connection to the limits of the public right-of-way abutting the Owner’s property line all at the expense of the Authority. The Authority may refuse a permit to connect directly to the main intercepting sewer and require extensions and connections to a manhole.

The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Authority when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. In no case shall backfill be placed prior to inspection by the Authority. The construction shall be made under the supervision of the Authority or its authorized representative.

All properties connecting to the Authorities conveyance system shall be subject to a dye test at the time of the tap-in inspection, to ensure surface water and ground water are not illegally discharging into the Authority’s separate sanitary system. See also Dye Testing Policy

Section 1: General – The Authority shall provide sewer line extensions to existing developed areas, not provided with sanitary sewerage service, within its service area to those who may apply for such service. Such extensions shall be made in all cases in which public convenience and necessity require the service, constructions problems are not unusual or burdensome, and the extension appears to be economically feasible.

Section 2: Authority’s Responsibility of Cost – The Authority will, upon request for sanitary sewer service by a group of perspective customers located in the same existed developed area, determine the necessary size of main required to give service and make an estimate of the cost of the proposed extension including sewer line, manholes, fittings, and all other necessary materials including other costs such as labor and permits. The length of the extension required shall be that length required to extend from the existing developed area to the nearest main having sufficient capacity to provide service.

Where the cost of the extension does not exceed three and one-half (3-1/2) times the estimated normal annual revenue from potential customers whose service lines will be immediately connected directly to the extension and from whom the Authority has received applications for service upon forms provided by the Authority for this purpose, the Authority will install, at its own cost and expense the necessary extension, provided that the patronage or demand will be of such permanency as to warrant the capital expenditure involved.

Section 3: Extensions Subject to Customer Cost Participation – If the estimated cost of the proposed extension required in order to furnish general sewer service exceeds three and one-half (3 ½ ) times the Authority’s estimate of immediate normal annual revenue, such extension will be made if the applicants or the applicants’ authorized agent shall contract for such extension and shall deposit in advance with the Authority the estimated cost of the extension over and above the Authority’s responsibility of cost.

Section 4: Adjustment of Cost of Extension – Should the actual cost of the extension be less than the estimated cost, the Authority will refund the difference as soon as the actual cost of the extension exceeds the estimated cost, the Authority will bill the depositor for the difference between the estimate and the actual cost with payment to be made within ten (10) days of receipt of the cost difference from the Authority.

Section 5: Cost Estimating of Sewer Line Extensions – In estimating the cost of an extension, the estimate shall be based upon the sewer line diameter required to serve the number of customers in the existing developed area. If the Authority so desires to install a sewer line of a larger diameter to provide for further extensions of its sewer system from and beyond the limits of the proposed extension, the Authority shall be responsible for the cost difference of the sewer line installed and that sewer line installed and that sewer line size required to serve the existing developed area. The length of the sewer line extension shall be from the existing main sewer line having the capacity to transport the additional sewage flow to adequately serve the last property to be served by a proposed extension.

Section 6: Right-of-Way – If the construction of a sewer line extension involves the use of a private right-of-way, then the prospective customers shall secure the right-of-way and deliver same to the Authority, free of costs prior to the start of construction.
If however, the prospective customers cannot secure the right-of-way and the construction of the extension involves the Authority’s incurring expense of the right-of-way either by purchase or condemnation, such costs shall be added to the total cost of the extension.

Section 1: General – No sewer extension and /or sewerage system shall be constructed, or such related work begun without prior approval obtained from the Authority. Approval from the Authority may be obtained by the submission of the proper application for sewer line extension accompanied by plans, specifications, and a report describing the system in detail.
The plans and specifications must be stamped with the seals of a Pennsylvania Registered Professional Engineer and must be submitted in quadruplicate. The plans shall be prepared on sheets 24 x 36 inches in size, with a one inch (1”) border on all other edges. A 3 x 5 inch title block shall be located in the bottom right hand corner. All plans, specifications, and application(s) for sanitary sewer service shall be conveyed at no cost to the Authority.

Section 2: Developer’s Responsibility of Costs – The entire cost of all work shall be borne by the Developer, except if approved for the difference in the cost of facilities required for the proposed use and the cost of more adequate facilities that will permit additional service for other areas.
The cost of such work shall include the total construction in place cost such as but not limited to the following:

a. The cost of all sewer lines of the size required for the project, all manholes and other sewer appurtenances.
b. The costs associated with connections to existing sewers.
c. A minimum payment of ten percent (10%) of the total construction costs made to the Authority to defray all legal, engineering, and other Authority review costs. If the project or a portion thereof is to be designed and / or constructed by the Authority forces, the applicant must pay the Authority’s costs involved in connection with the project.
d. The cost of resident inspection furnished by the Authority to insure that the project is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, such costs to be the current per diem costs plus mileage costs.

Section 3: Payment of Costs – The Developer shall deposit with the Authority, prior to the execution of any work by the Authority Township and in advance, each month thereafter, a sum of money sufficient to pay all estimated cost of work to be done, including the cost of Resident Inspection services.

Section 4: Agreement – The Developer, prior to the execution of any work, shall enter into an agreement with the Authority which shall contain pertinent information and conditions as follows:
a. Cost of all work to be borne by Developer, except as may be otherwise noted.
b. Construction materials and workmanship to be in accordance with the Authority’s requirements.
c. All rights-of-way in which sanitary sewer line extensions are to be located must be deeded to the Authority.
d. The ownership title to all installations to be conveyed to and vested in the Authority, except as may be otherwise indicated.
e. The Authority shall have the right to make further extensions beyond or laterally from the main sanitary sewer line extensions, such extensions not to be considered as connections subject to any reference.
f. Such other related work as may be deemed necessary.

Section 5: General Plans – The developer shall submit a general plan on a scale not smaller than on hundred feet (100’) to one inch (1”) and preferably not larger than fifty feet (50’) to one inch (1”) covering the entire area to be developed and showing the area’s proximity to existing sanitary sewer.

These plans must show the boundary line of the Authority’s Service Area, and the boundary line of the service area to be provided sanitary sewers; all existing and proposed streets, water courses and other salient topographic features; contour lines for intervals of not less than two feet (2’) nor more that five feet (5’); and the surface elevations at street intersections and at points where changes in slope occur. The plans must show clearly the locations of all existing sanitary and storm sewers.

If it is proposed to provide sanitary sewers for only a part of the natural or artificial drainage areas, there must be indicated upon the plans how it is proposed, in general, to provide sewerage for each of the drainage areas in which it is not at the time planned to provide sewers. In the case of sewer extensions, the plans need to show only the section wherein sewers are to be extended. In all cases, the plans must clearly show the size of the sewer, the character of the sewer material, the slope, the elevation of the invert at all points of change of slope the direction of flow, the location of all manholes, flushing manholes, inverted siphons, pumping stations, the elevations of all streams beds, the direction of stream flow, the high and low water elevations of all water surfaces, and other such data.

Section 6: Detailed Plans – The Developer shall submit detailed plans accompanying the general plans.
Profiles shall be prepared with the horizontal scale at least as large as the scale of the corresponding plans, and the vertical scale not smaller than ten feet (10’) to one inch (1”) – the scales to be indicated on the plans. The profiles shall indicate all the applicable details as set forth relative to the general plans. The detailed plans shall include plans of all sewers and regular and special sewer appurtenances, pumping stations structures of all types and other such features.

Section 7: Report – The application shall be accompanied by an Engineer’s report giving a full description of the proposed system and setting forth the basis of design. The report must include a statement and description of the extent of the area to which it is proposed to include within the system at the present time, and in the future; the estimated per capita rates or volume of sewage to be provide for; the general character of the sewage and the proportion and nature of any industrial wastes; and other such data and information.

Section 1: General – The economy and desirability of the combined collection, transportation and treatment of industrial wastes and sanitary sewage is recognized. Any and all industrial wastes and sanitary sewage may be discharged into the sewer system except those deemed harmful to the sewer system or the sewage treatment works or the operation thereof or are specifically prohibited by these Rules and Regulations. However, it is also recognized that the collection, transportation and treatment of any wastes and sewage from time to time determined to be acceptable but which are abnormal industrial wastes and abnormal sanitary sewage may add to the cost of operating and maintaining the sewer system and the sewage treatment works. Such additional cost should be borne by the person receiving the benefit of such collection, transportation, and treatment.
The Authority reserves the right to refuse connection to the sewer system for discharge of deleterious industrial wastes, or to compel users of the sewer system to discontinue the use of the sewer system for such wastes, or to require pretreatment thereof in order to prevent harmful or adverse effects upon the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works. The design, construction and operation of such pretreatment facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Authority.
The Authority reserves the right to require industries having large variations in the rate of discharge of industrial waste to install suitable regulating devices, approved by the Authority, for equalizing industrial waste flows, and as may be required by the Allegheny Valley Joint Sewage Authority.
Industrial waste and sanitary sewage will be considered harmful to the sewer system and the sewage treatment works if it may cause any of the following damaging effects: (1) chemical reaction either directly or indirectly with the materials of construction of the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works in such a manner as to impair the strength or durability of such structures; (2) mechanical action that will destroy such sewer structures; (3) restriction of the hydraulic capacity of such sewer structures; (4) restriction of the normal inspection or maintenance of such sewer structures; (5) danger to public health and safety; or (6) obnoxious condition inimical to public interest.
The Authority may, at its discretion, require any person discharging industrial wastes or combined industrial wastes and sanitary sewage into the sewer system to install suitable manhole or manholes on his connecting sewer or sewers to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the flow of wastes from the premises. Such manhole or manholes shall be installed by such person at his expense, maintained by such person so as to be safe and accessible to the Authority at all times, and constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Authority.
The Authority shall have the right of access at all reasonable times to dwelling units, residences, business and other buildings, institutions, schools, churches and industrial or commercial establishments and to any meters used for establishing, analyzing or determining (i) water consumption, (ii) water excluded from the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works, and (iii) sewage and/or industrial wastes discharged into the sewer system.

Section 1: Prohibited Wastes and Wastewater Limitations – The following described substances, materials, waters, or wastes shall be limited in discharges to municipal systems to concentrations or quantities which will not harm either the sewers, wastewater treatment process or equipment, will not have an adverse effect on the receiving stream, or will not otherwise endanger lives, limb, public property, or constitute a nuisance. The Authority may set limitations lower than the limitations established in the regulations hereinafter if in their opinion more severe limitations are necessary to meet the above objectives. In forming their opinion as to the acceptability, the Authority will give consideration to such factors as the quantity of subject waste in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, the wastewater treatment plant, and other pertinent factors. The limitations or restrictions on materials or characteristics of waste or wastewater discharged to the sanitary sewer which shall not be violated without approval of the Authority are as follows:
a. The discharge of excessive amounts of unpolluted water (storm water, ground water, roof run-off, and surface drainage and cooling water) or waste into the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works is expressly prohibited. The Authority reserves the right to define the amount in deems excessive in each particular instance and to determine the adequacy of a sewer’s capacity.
b. The discharge of garbage to the sewer system is expressly prohibited, except from single family dwelling units, and in such cases the garbage must be first properly shredded by a mechanical garbage grinder or disposer of a type approved by the Authority.
c. The discharge of gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas is expressly prohibited.
d. The discharge of any waters containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids, or gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes to injure or interfere with any waste treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in the wastewater treatment plant is expressly prohibited.
e. No person shall discharge or permit the discharge or infiltration into the sewer system or the sewage treatment works of any of the following solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction in the flow in sewers, or other interferences with the proper operation of the wastewater facilities:
Wastes containing ashes, cinders, sand, mud, greases, lime or acetylene sludges, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, sawdust, paunch manure, cotton, chemical or paint residues, wool, plastic or other fibers, hair hides, dead animals, spent mash and grain, pulp from food processing, water or wastes containing grease, fat or oil in excess of 100 ppm, or any other liquids, gases, solids or viscous substances which by reason of their quality, quantity or characteristics may cause fire, explosion, obstruction to the flow in the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works, or in any other way interfere with or be deleterious to persons, the structure, or the proper operation, of the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works.

f. Wastes or sanitary sewage have a temperature in excess of 1200 F (490 C) or less than 320 F (00 C).
g. Wastes or sanitary sewage having pH lower that 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazards to structures, equipment or personnel of the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works. When the Authority deems it advisable, it may require any person discharging wastes or sanitary sewage to install and maintain, at his own expense in a manner approved by the Authority, a suitable device to continuously measure and record the pH of the wastes or sanitary sewage so discharged.
h. Garbage, whether ground or not, except properly shredded garbage from a private dwelling unit, hotel, institution, restaurant, hospital, catering establishment, or similar places where garbage originates from the preparation of food in kitchens for the purpose of consumption on the premises or when served by caterers, resulting from the proper use of a garbage grinder or disposer of a type (i) approved by the Authority and (ii) maintained in good operating condition; provided, however, that no private dwelling unit shall operate more than one grinder or disposer which shall be not greater than 3 hp in size and, when so required by the Authority, shall be equipped with an approved water meter and limited in use to the consumption of an average of not more than 1,500 gallons of water per day.
i. Wastes containing mineral acids, waste acid, pickling or plating liquors from the pickling or plating of iron, steel, brass, copper or chromium, or any other dissolved or solid substance which will endanger health or safety, interfere with the flow in, or attach or corrode, or otherwise interfere with or be detrimental to the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works or the operation of either thereof.
j. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing cyanides or cyanogens compounds capable of liberating hydrocyanic gas on acidification; and wastes or sanitary sewage containing any of the following substances in concentration exceeding those shown in the following table:
Substance Concentration
Phenolic compounds as C6H5OH 1 ppm
Cyanides as CN 1 ppm
Cyanates as CNO 10 ppm
Iron as Fe 15 ppm
Trivalent Chromium as Cr 3 ppm
Hexavalent Chromium as Cr 0.5 ppm
Nickel as Ni 3 ppm
Copper as Cu 2 ppm
Lead as Pb 2 ppm
Tin as Sn 2 ppm
Zinc as Zn 2 ppm

k. Wastes and sanitary sewage containing other chemicals or other matter detrimental to the operation of, or causing erosion, corrosion or deterioration in, the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works.
l. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing more that 10 ppm of any of the following gases: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, or any of the halogens.
m. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing a toxic or poisonous substance in quantities sufficient to inure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals or create any hazard in the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works operation, and such toxic substances shall include, but shall not be limited to, substances containing cyanide, chromium and/or copper ions.
n. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing toxic substances in quantities sufficient to interfere with the biochemical processes of the sewage treatment works or that will pass through the sewage treatment works and exceed the state requirements in respect thereof.
o. Fats, entrails and the like from meat processing plants, rendering plants and similar industries and establishments.
p. Sludges or other materials from septic tanks or similar facilities or from sewage or industrial plants or from water treatment plants.
q. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing any noxious or malodorus gas or substance which either singly or by interaction with sewage or other wastes is likely, in the opinion of the Authority, to create a public nuisance or hazard to life, or prevent entry to the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works for maintenance and repair.
r. Concentrations of BOD5 in excess of 260 mg/l (milligrams per liter) as determined by the requirements of Section 7, hereinafter.
s. Radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as may exceed limits established by the Authority in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations.
t. Quantities of flow, concentrations, or both which constitute a “slug” as defined herein.
u. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing odor-producing substances exceeding limits that may be established by the Authority.
v. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing more than 25 mg/l or petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oils, or products of mineral oil origin. Wastewater containing floatable oils, fat or grease.
w. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing substances which are not amendable to treatment or reduction by the wastewater treatment processes employed, or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that the wastewater treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over discharge to the receiving waters.
x. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing concentrations of suspended solids in excess of 275 mg/l as determined by the requirements of Section 7, hereinafter.
y. Volume of wastewater flow in excess of water consumption as called for by the Authority.
z. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing insoluble, non-flocculent substances having a specific gravity in excess of 2.65.
aa. Wastes or sanitary sewage containing soluble substances in such concentration as to cause the specific gravity of the waste to be greater than 1.1.

The Authority may from time to time adopt such further particular rules and regulations, in addition to those set forth in this ordinance, as the Authority, with the advice of its consulting engineer, shall deem necessary or appropriate for the efficient operation, maintenance and preservation of the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works or the sewer business operation. The construction, meaning and application of the prohibited wastes and sanitary sewage regulations set for the herein shall be made by the Authority and shall be binding and conclusive with respect to users of the sewer system and/or the sewage treatment works, as the case may be, and shall be consistent with any such construction meaning and application made by the Allegheny Valley Joint Sewage Authority of any similar prohibited wastes and sanitary sewage regulations.

Section 2: Authority Action – Wastewater Limitations – If any waters or wastes are discharged to the public sewers, which waters contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in Section 1 of this Article, and which in the judgment of the Authority may have an deleterious effect upon the wastewater facilities, processes, equipment or receiving waters, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the Authority may:
a. Reject the wastes,
b. Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers,
c. Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge and/or
d. Require payment to cover added cost of handling and treating the wastes not covered by existing taxes or sewer charges.

When considering the above alternatives, The Authority shall give consideration to the economic impact of each alternative on the discharges. If the Authority permits the pre-treatment or equalization of waste flows, the design and installation of the plants and equipment shall be subject to the review and approval of the Authority.

Section 3: Interceptors – Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Authority, they are necessary for the proper handling of the liquid wastes containing floatable grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand or other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Authority and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. In the maintaining of these interceptors, the owner(s) shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal by appropriate means of the captured material and shall maintain records of the dates, and means of disposal that are subject to review by the Authority. Any removal and hauling of the collected materials not performed by the owner(s)’ personnel must be performed by currently licensed waste disposal firms.

Section 4: Pre-treatment Costs – Where pre-treatment or flow equalizing facilities are provided or required for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner(s) at his expense.

Section 5: Industrial Waste Sampling – When required by the Authority, the owner of the property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable structure together with such necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of the wastes. Such structure, when required, shall be accessible and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Authority. The structure shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. In the event that no special structure or manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer, to the point at which the building sewer is connected.

Section 6: Verification of Compliance – The Authority shall require an industrial user of sewer services to provide information needed to determine compliance with these Rules and Regulations. These requirements must be accompanied by a detailed report setting forth the following minimum requirements:
a. Wastewaters discharge peak rate and volume over a specified time period.
b. Chemical analysis of wastewaters.
c. Information on raw materials, processes, and products affecting wastewater volume and quality.
d. Quantity and disposition of specific liquid, sludge, oil, solvent, or other materials important to sewer use control.
e. A plot plan of sewers on the user’s property showing sewer and pre-treatment facility location.
f. Details of wastewater pre-treatment facilities.
g. Details of systems to prevent and control the losses of materials through spills tot eh municipal sewer.

Section 7: Testing Procedure – All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in these Rules and Regulations shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,” published by the American Public Health Association. Sampling methods, location, times, duration, and frequencies are to be determined on an individual basis subject to approval by the Authority.

Section 8: Special Agreements – No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the Authority and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the Authority for treatment.

Section 9: Surcharge Determination
General – If in accordance with Section 1 hereinbefore, excessive concentrations of BOD5, suspended solids and/or volume of wastewater flow are found to exist in any industrial waste discharge, a surcharge shall be applied in approximate proportion to the industry’s contribution to the total wastewater loading of the treatment works.
Excessive Flow – If the volume of wastewater flow from an industry exceeds the water consumption as stated in Section1, a surcharge for excess flow shall be applied in accordance with the following formula:
Sf = (Ct / Vt ) (Vu)

Excess BOD5 - If the concentration of BOD5 of any industrial waste exceeds the limits as established in Section 1, the surcharge to be applied shall be in accordance with the following formula:
So = [ Bc (B1-260) ] W1

Excess Suspended Solids – If the concentration of suspended solids of any industrial waste exceeds the limits as established in Section 1, the surcharge to be applied shall be in accordance with the following formula:
Ss = [ Sc (S1 – 275) ] W1

Definition of Symbols – The symbols used in the formula of the above sections are defined:
Sf = surcharges due for excessive flow.
Ct = total costs associated with flow received by the treatment facilities per month.
Vt = total volume of flow in 1,000 gallon units received by the treatment facilities per month.
Vu = excess volume in 1,000 gallons for the monthly discharge by the industry.
So = surcharge due for excessive BOD5.
Bc = total cost per pound of BOD5 received by the treatment facility.
B1 = average concentration in mg/l of BOD5 discharged by the industry.
W1 = the weight in million pounds of wastewater discharged by the industry.
Ss = surcharge due for excessive concentrations of suspended solids.
Sc = total cost per pound of suspended solids received by the treatment facility.
S1 = average concentration in mg/l of suspended solids discharged by the industry.

Section 1: General – The Authority and other duly authorized employees of the Authority bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties of the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, and testing pertinent to discharge to the public sewer system in accordance with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations.

Section 2: Authorization – The Authority or other duly authorized employees are authorized to obtain information concerning industrial processes which have a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the wastewater collection system. The industry may withhold information considered confidential. The industry must establish that the revelation to the public of the information in question might result in an advantage to competitors.

Section 3: Work on Private Property – While performing the necessary work on private properties referred to in Section 1, the Authority or duly authorized employees of the Authority shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises established by the company, and the company shall be held harmless for injury or death to the Authority’s employees, and the Authority shall indemnify the company against loss or damage to its property by Authority employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the company and growing out of the gauging and sampling operation, except as such may be caused by negligence or failure of the company to maintain safe conditions.

Section 4: Work in Rights-of Way – The Authority and duly authorized employees of the Authority bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the Authority holds a duly negotiated right-of-way for the purposes of, but not limited to, inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair, and maintenance of any portion of the wastewater facilities lying within said right-of-way, all of which shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated right-of-way pertaining to the private property involved.

Section 1: Discontinuance of Service by Customers – Any customer may terminate his service with the Authority upon giving written notice thereof to the Authority on forms prepared by the Authority and upon the lapse of a reasonable time thereafter to permit the Authority to attend to details in connection with such discontinuance of service, subject to the following provisions:
a. The premises must be vacant. Under no circumstances will discontinuance of service be permitted until the premises have been vacated for a period of at least 30 days.
b. The discontinuance of service must be for a minimum period of six (6) months. In the event that a request for renewal of service is made before the expiration of six (6) months, the minimum monthly charge for sewage service shall be charged from the effective date of the discontinuance of service.
c. The water supply to the premises must be metered.
d. When water service is provided by a public water system, the customer must provide proof of termination of water service by the water supplier. If water service is terminated by the water supplier for nonpayment of water bills or other violations of the water supplier’s rules and regulations, discontinuance of sewage service will not be permitted.
e. The application for discontinuance of service must be accompanied by the current fee for discontinuance of service. The customer shall also be liable for any additional charges imposed by the supplier of the water service. These charges are to be paid prior to the effective date of the discontinuance of sewage service.
The customer shall remain liable for service to the premises described in his application until the Authority has received written notice from him, and the termination of service has taken effect, as stated above.
Discontinuance of service by the Authority for non-payment of a bill or violation of these rules shall not cancel the application for service nor constitute a waiver of this rule.

Section 2: Discontinuance of Service by the Authority – Service under any application may be discontinued for any of the following reasons:
a. For misrepresentation in the application.
b. For the use of service or in connection with, or for the benefit of any other premises or purposes other than those described in the application.
c. For willful waste of water through improper or imperfect pipes, fixtures or otherwise.
d. For failure to maintain in good order, the building sewer connection and fixtures owned by the applicant.
e. In the case of continued vacancy of the premises.
f. For refusal of reasonable access to the premises for purposes of inspecting the piping, fixtures, and water system appliances therein.
g. For neglecting or refusing to make or renew advance payments where required, or for nonpayment of sewage service, or for any other charge accruing under the application.
h. Where the contract has been in any way terminated by the customer.
i. For premises where the use of water reduces the capacity of the sewers to such an extent that normal service to others is impaired.
j. For premises where the character of the wastes is detrimental to the sanitary sewer or is no in accordance with the requirements set forth herein.
k. For fraud or abuse.
l. For violation of these Rules and Regulations or other requirements governing the furnishing of sewage service.

Section 3: Renewal of Service after Discontinuance – Service may be renewed under a proper application when the conditions under which such service was disconnected are corrected, and upon the payment of all proper charges or amounts provided in the schedule of rates or rules of the Authority due from the applicant. If it is determined that the premises are occupied prior to renewal of service by the Authority, the customer shall be liable for the monthly minimum billing retroactive to the date of the discontinuance of service.

Section 1: Place of Payment
– All bills are payable at the following address:
Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority
945 Little Deer Creek Valley Road
P. O. Box 148
Russellton, PA 15076
Online at

The Authority reserves the right to require customers to pay by cash or money order, if a history of submitting checks for payment without sufficient funds (NSF/bounced checks) has been established.

The Authority does not accept post-dated checks or recognize partial payments as sufficient payment. Customers are required to enter into a written payment arrangement plan if they are unable to make payment in full.
(See Article XII - Water Service Termination Policy)

Section 2: Basis for Preparation of Bills – All bills for services furnished by the Authority will be based on the published rate schedule of the Authority. The charges are to be based on the quantity of water used on said premises, as the same may be measured by meters in the use or other meters to be installed – or based on an average charge as determined by the Authority as indicated for the respective areas.
Each premise will be subject to a fixed minimum monthly or quarterly charge. Such minimum charge shall be non-abatable for non-use of water, and non-cumulative against subsequent use. In the case of fractional bills, covering less than a month or a quarter, monthly or minimum charges and allowances of water shall be prorated. The charge for the use of water in excess of the quantities allowed under the minimum charge will be in accordance with the rate schedule.

Residential Property: One minimum charge (quarterly/bi-monthly/monthly) will be assessed for each dwelling unit, as defined in the DEFINITIONS section.

Commercial Property: One minimum charge (quarterly/bi-monthly/monthly) will be assessed for each commercial property as defined in the DEFINITIONS section.

Non-Metered Customers (Well Water Customers): Where a property is served by a non-metered (well water) or non-public water source, a minimum quarterly charge of 20,000 gallons per EDU will be calculated using the rate currently in effect.

Section 3: Subtraction / Deduction Meters – In the event that any portion of the water measured on or in any property served by the sanitary sewer system is not returned to the sanitary sewer system, the owner may request to purchase and install an approved subtraction (deduction) meter from the Authority. Furthermore, the owner of the property involved must satisfy the Authority’s representative that the water to be measured is not returnable to the sanitary sewers. The brand of subtraction meter and remote for use must be approved by the Authority.
Subtraction meters will be read and reported by Authority service personnel in conjunction with the timing of local water authority consumption readings (typically quarterly or bi-monthly). Subtraction meter usage will be deducted ONLY from usage above the minimum billing volume (overage). (refer to Section 2) The bill will be reduced accordingly after application of a $1.00 surcharge per bill for meter reading services.
Any usage measured on the subtraction meter, which was not applied during the current billing period will be carried to overage on the next invoice (usage above the minimum only).
The following requirements also apply:
a. The owner will provide suitable housing and pipe installation of the water meter to prevent freezing. The customer will be responsible for any damage to the meter, as the meter remains the property of the customer, and the Authority is not liable for any subtraction lost thereby.
b. All maintenance, repairs or replacements will be at the cost of the owner, and must include a satisfactory certification of test for accuracy by any approved agency before the meter can be resealed and used for subtraction purposes.
c. All outlets beyond the subtraction meter must be approved as service areas that cannot return to the sanitary sewer. To clarify, no water faucets/outlets are permissible inside the structure (house and/or garage) on the subtraction system line. All faucets/outlets after the subtraction meter must be located at the outside of the structure to ensure that no water is returnable to the sanitary sewer system.
d. A shutoff valve is to be placed ahead of the meter.
e. When the installation is completed, the Authority service person will seal the meter and inspect the plumbing for compliance with these regulations. Before the meter can be placed in operation, any usage registered on the meter prior to inspection and sealing by the Authority service person will be charged to the customer.
f. Meter installation will be permanent. A meter may only be removed if it is found to be malfunctioning and in need of repair.
g. Violations of Authority Rules and Regulations with respect to the use of a subtraction meter may result in revocation of subtraction meter privileges and/or back charging the customer for all credits previously given through the subtraction meter.
Section 4: Additional Charges for Garbage Grinders – Although the existing sewage treatment works (AVJSA) is capable of treating properly shredded garbage, the actual treatment of the garbage increases the cost of operating and maintaining said plant and the DCDBA sewerage system. Therefore, there is hereby imposed upon each person discharging such garbage into the public sewerage system, an additional charge which is intended to cover such additional cost. Such surcharge shall be in addition to the regular service charges as set forth in the Sewer Use Ordinance and User Charge System of the DCDBA and shall be payable as and in the amount hereinafter provided.
The additional charge for garbage grinders shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
a. Household Garbage Grinders – For each household garbage grinder in a private dwelling unit - $0.40.
b. Other than Household Garbage Grinders – For garbage grinders other than household grinders referred to in sub-division (A) of this Section, $5.00 per month per grinder of one horsepower capacity, and a proportionately lower or higher charge per grinder of lesser or greater horsepower.
The additional charges provided for in this Section will be added to the service charge set forth in the Sewer Use Ordinance and/or DCDBA User Charge System. They will be billed quarterly and shall be due at the same time and shall be subject to the same penalty as set forth in the Sewer Use Ordinance and/or DCDBA User Charge System.

Section 5: Delinquent Notice – A delinquent notice may be served by mail, telephone call, or in person within ten (10) days following the due date of the current bill. If service is thus discontinued, it will not be restored until all unpaid bills and charges are paid. (See Article XII - Water Service Termination Policy)

Section 6: Where a building or structure contains a combination of residential and commercial properties but is served by only one water meter measuring all building water usage, each property shall be assessed a separate minimum quarterly charge.

Unpaid sewer service charges can result in termination of a customer’s water service. The Authority’s policy is as follows:
1. When the due date of the invoice has passed and payment has not been received, notification is mailed requiring payment within ten (10) days. (A $1.00 fee is applied for each reminder notice. Resolution 2007-01)
2. If payment is not received within that ten (10) days, a notice is physically posted on the property. Properties that are posted for water service termination are charged a $20.00 posting fee.
3. DCDBA will request that the water authority terminate service to properties that remain delinquent.

Payment Plan For Delinquent Accounts
The following are the requirements to arrange for payment of a past due account:
1. One half of the delinquent amount must be paid immediately
2. A written arrangement specifying the amount of each payment and the dates when each payment will be received.
3. Customer must also pay current bills as they become due.
4. Both the Customer and an Authority representative will sign and date the agreement.
5. Failure to adhere to the payment agreement and pay current bills as they become due will result in water service termination and full payment will be required.
6. Said arrangement will not preclude the Authority from exercising its right to file a lien on the property or utilize any other collection option available.


Resumption of Water Service
Payment of outstanding sewer service charges, penalty, interest and termination fees is required. (See Billing Related Fees)

Rental Properties
Any payment arrangement by a tenant must be approved by the property owner. Such permission and details of the arrangement, including payment dates and amounts, must be provided in writing to the Authority office. Said arrangement will not preclude the Authority from exercising its right to file a lien on the property or utilize any other collection option available.


No person shall maliciously, willingly, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment, which is part of the municipal sewage works. Any person violating this provision of these Rules and Regulations shall be subject to immediate arrest.

It is also assumed a violation of the Right of Way / Easement Agreement to restrict or obstruct access to any component of the DCDBA sanitary sewer system. This includes but is not limited to burying, landscaping, or placing stationary objects (landscape boulders, sheds, swing sets, swimming pools, trees or shrubs, etc.) over manhole lids or sewer lines. All costs associated with removal of the obstructions will be the responsibility of the violator.