LIHWAP - Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

This assistance is also available for overdue sewer bills.

Applications open January 4, 2022 for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a temporary emergency program to help low-income families pay overdue water bills. LIHWAP is a grant. You do not have to repay it.

LIHWAP crisis grants may be available if you have an emergency situation and are in jeopardy of losing your water service. You can receive one crisis grant for your drinking water service and one crisis grant for your wastewater service, up to $2,500 each.

Crisis situations include:

Past due water AND/OR sewer bills.
Termination of utility service.
Danger of having utility service terminated (received a notice that service will be shut off within the next 60 days).

For details on how to apply:

PLEASE NOTE: The Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority does NOT administer this program. All applications and payments are processed through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. We will not be able to answer any questions about the program.